Molly Beane

Concussions/Brain Injuries: 2

Cause: Slip/Fall

Molly’s Story

On August 3, 2018, I woke up in a CT scan machine not knowing where I was or how I got there. I was in Las Vegas, getting ready for a meeting with an investor to get a $1M investment for my business but I never made it to the meeting.

I don't remember the accident, but I've been told that I slipped down the stairs as I was getting ready that morning. I had blood coming out of my ears and a suspected subdermal hematoma. I spent 5 days in the ICU and my recovery took several years. I lost 40+ pounds because severe nerve damage cut off my hunger signals, food tasted like metal, and I was nauseous all the time. I had no energy for work - just taking a shower took all my energy some days.

That meant I had to downsize my growing business at its peak. I suffered a rollercoaster of symptoms for years - cognitive issues, mental health problems, memory issues, headaches, overstimulation, massive nerve damage, chronic fatigue, and more.

The injury nearly cost me my business and caused my marriage to fail. I was so depressed because I wanted nothing more than to be the ambitious, adventurous, active woman that I am - but I was stuck in a bed for two years. Plus, no one in my life understood me because I looked normal on the outside. It was the loneliest thing I have ever experienced. As a result, I landed in a mental hospital for severe depression in 2019.

In 2020, I suffered a second concussion, and a doctor told me I had permanent brain damage and would never recover. But I defied all my doctor's expectations and five years from the original accident, I am 95% better. I focused on gaining weight and building endurance slowly. By 2022, I became healthy enough to work a full-time job, run my business on the side, and live a normal life. I can even exercise again and am working on building strength. I am so grateful to have my life back.

Advice from Molly:

I want people to know that recovery is possible, and that they aren't alone even when no one understands what they are going through. I have so much more to share than what I just typed! @frommollywithlove

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Concussion Connect has provided me a space to learn more about what is going on inside my brain and body, find the words to express how I am feeling, not feel so alone, and learn about and use different resources! It provides a sense of being understood that has been missing since my accident, even brings a sense of understanding myself. - CC Member


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