Ema B

Concussions/Brain Injuries: 1
Cause: Car Accident

Ema’s Story

I received my first diagnosed concussion from a fall in 2021. I sustained my second concussion this year along with multiple other injuries from falling downstairs. I have experienced many symptoms including dizziness, issues with memory and cognitive function, headaches & migraines, sensory issues, vision & hearing problems, among many other symptoms.

Not recovering quickly is very frustrating. PCS has affected my relationships, career choice, and ability to do things. It has also positively changed my life, I am more compassionate, and it has made me more aware of the challenges people with disabilities face.

Having an invisible injury is difficult because others can’t see it which can lead to dismissal and them not believing you. I have received many harsh comments from health care professionals, family, and others.

I have found cognitive & speech therapy to be the most helpful this far in my concussion journey.

Advice from Ema: Be patient and forgiving with yourself. Try not to stress over what others say or think, you don’t need others to validate your symptoms or feelings, they are real. Celebrate the small wins, and take it day by day.

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Concussion Connect has provided me a space to learn more about what is going on inside my brain and body, find the words to express how I am feeling, not feel so alone, and learn about and use different resources! It provides a sense of being understood that has been missing since my accident, even brings a sense of understanding myself. - CC Member


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