Corey Black

Concussions: 1

Cause: Sports

Corey’s Story

Even years after my concussions, I had constant headaches, didn’t sleep well and couldn’t focus. I went from being a law student that could read a book cover to cover to barely being able to sit and read one page without needing to reread each paragraph. The first doctors I saw put a band-aid on my symptoms, and for nine years I had almost no hope. One night, I broke down and ended up getting a brain scan. The doctors saw severe scalloping on my brain, proving there was a legitimate medical reason I was having these cognitive symptoms.

The report also recommended hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). I sought help at a local clinic focused on holistic healing and post-concussion recovery. The physicians at the clinic were incredibly warm throughout my entire treatment period, and eventually, my results showed significant improvement in every single area of my brain. Now, I can read, focus and understand. My quality of life has improved significantly, and I feel like myself again. I was able to get off antidepressants for the first time in 10 years and be hopeful for a future that I didn’t think was possible.

I’m grateful for the doctors and staff at Aviv Clinics for saving my life. I want to continue sharing my story so other people suffering from brain damage caused by concussions and TBIs have hope that there is a solution available and they don’t have to continue living with debilitating symptoms.

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Concussion Connect has provided me a space to learn more about what is going on inside my brain and body, find the words to express how I am feeling, not feel so alone, and learn about and use different resources! It provides a sense of being understood that has been missing since my accident, even brings a sense of understanding myself. - CC Member


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